Modern Nature Bodyworks

Modern Nature Bodyworks

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Move Well, Be Well

Modern Nature Bodyworks specializes in therapeutic bodywork and functional movement that restores and rebalances your body’s natural movement potential. As you learn to recognize and re-pattern your compensated movement habits, your body alignment and mobility will improve. You’ll experience less pain, and be less prone to injury. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to counteract the effects of modern living on your body, so you can continue to move well and be well as you age.

I offer Structural Integration, Fascial Stretch Therapy™, Gray Institute Functional Movement, and TriYoga™. We’ll work together to decide which of these modalities will be most effective for you. Whatever modality we work in, you’ll learn more about your body and I’ll give you tools (if you want them) that you can use at home to maintain the changes you experience in sessions.

About Carrie Gaynor


Therapeutic Bodywork

Yoga Classes

For years I have had annoying and sometimes debilitating stiffness, aches and pains in my lower back, shoulders & neck. I was referred to Carrie and Modern Nature Bodyworks by my medical provider. Our first appointment included an in-depth discussion of my concerns and a thorough evaluation of my posture. I felt improvement immediately after our first session. Carrie’s gentle but effective manipulations, stretching and advice have given me long-lasting relief. She has helped me realize what healthy posture and movement are and how to maintain it.
— Wendy H., Age 62, Office Manager